
The Midnight World

Created by James Davey

A Tabletop Horror RPG that explores themes of anxiety and PTSD in a world full of monsters

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Finishing Touches!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 07, 2021 at 09:41:27 AM

Hey everyone! 

We're hard at work putting the finishing touches on the book! Just so that you aware of where things stand, here's a list of the final bits we're sliding into place: 

  • General clean up of some of the writing throughout the book
  • Rework and rewrites of the "Storytelling" chapter, including a guide on randomly generating stories
  • Addition of "Lore Blurbs" throughout to help tie the story together
  • A handful of art pieces, including 2 outstanding premium art pieces paid for by Backers
  • Work on "The Black." 
  • Editing
  • Layout

Things are proceeding apace, and we're very happy with where they're at! If you'd like to see the general shape of the game as it is now, please join our Discord server. There, you'll be able to find a working rules document that has everything you need to play the game or run it for your table!

You can also drop by  Gehenna Gaming Thursday at 8pm EST, where you can catch part 4 of our 5 part series "The Burden." 

We have a lot more exciting stuff coming up, including more streams, more projects, and more...MORE! 

over 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 01:19:38 PM

Here we all are, fully vaccinated, fully motivated, and hard at work on the final parts of The Midnight World!!!!! 

We have spent the entire day debating, discussing, and writing, and we have two more days to look forward to! 

We wanted to let you know that, as of Monday, there will be a Final Draft mechanics document that we will send out to everyone in our  Discord Channel. While it is going to look familiar to those of you who have been been playtesting, there is a SUBSTANTIAL design change that we feel both simplifies the system and makes it easier to engage! We are really looking forward to you seeing the final rules set, and we would love for everyone to test it out! 

Also, join us Monday at 8pm EST over on  Gavin's Twitch channel as we run the next chapter of Midnight on Mars to see the final rules in action! 



The Hour Hand Nears Midnight!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 01:46:33 PM

We're In the Home Stretch! 

Hey everyone! We have some pretty exciting news to share! After a thorough review of our current progress, we've decided that we're only really lacking a couple of minor tweaks before we can say that we're done with this thing. To that end, the entire GnE writing crew is going to be sequestering ourselves in a creepy cabin in the mountains in mid-April (at which point all but 1 of us will be fully vaccinated). So long as nothing terrible descends upon us, 80's horror movie style, we will emerge with the completed book! 

We have several chapters in editing right now, almost all of our art is finished, and our layout artist is ready to start outlaying. We can't thank you all enough for the patience you've given us! THIS THING IS ALMOST FINISHED!!

We're still doing playtests, of course. In fact, we'll be doing a really awesome one tonight. This one will be a test of a fan-made supplement (yes, we have those!) called Midnight on Mars. Gavin Stroud has done a ton of work on it, and it'll be a whole new experience for the creators, as he has tweaked a bunch of rules and character creation! As always, we'd love to have you join in at 8pm EST over on our Twitch channel. 

Our Website, which was originally designed by James in a fever dream, is also undergoing renovation by a professional, so keep your eyes there! 

Thanks again! We can't wait to play with you!

State of The Midnight World, February 2021
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 11:18:46 AM

Wow. What a year it's been.

Last year around this time, James and I were watching all of you contribute to a dream we've had for almost as long as we've known each other. The year that followed was full of challenges, obstacles, setbacks, and, in some cases, catastrophe. 

But it was full of another thing, too. You all had our backs. You gave us nothing but support and encouragement and for a team of just two guys who wanted to use the medium of storytelling and roleplaying to help everyone that we could reach who experiences anxiety and PTSD like we do. Your patience, enthusiasm, and support have gotten us through more than you could know. 

As we mentioned in the last update, the first two chapters are currently with the editor. We just recently had some amazing feedback from test sessions regarding Dread Contracts and the combat system, as well as some great input on Dread Interventions. 

We plan to continue hosting Monday gatherings at 8 pm EST on our Twitch channel for playtests, discussion, Q&As, or just gaming hangouts with James and me to talk about where we are and how the book is coming along.

We're closing in and the finish line is in sight on the horizon. We're so grateful you've gone on this journey with us and we're super excited about the future of Gem and Eye and the stories we have to tell. 

As always, we welcome you to our  Discord server if you want to participate in real-time discussions and playtests with us or other members of our community. We still need all the feedback, so come join us!

Until next time, thanks for helping us make this dream come true. 


Chapters 1 and 2 are OFF TO THE EDITOR!
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 04:36:51 PM

Hey all! We wanted to touch base with you to let you know where things stand. 

As mentioned in the subject line, we've started sending material to the editor!! This marks a a significant milestone in the production of this book, and we're thrilled to be nearing completion! 

We do still need a ton of playtesting to smooth out the endgame. If you're interested in being a part of that process, you can join our Discord server to download the current iteration of the rules document and sign up for a playtest! 

Thank you all so much!