
The Midnight World

Created by James Davey

A Tabletop Horror RPG that explores themes of anxiety and PTSD in a world full of monsters

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit delays and missed updates, oh my!
over 4 years ago – Sat, May 02, 2020 at 07:41:54 PM

The Newest News

I'm so sorry for missing last week's update. On top of the general madness that is the world right now, your dedicated TMW developers are dealing with a heart-breaking personal issue that has diverted our attention a bit. As if that weren't enough, I don't have to tell you that we're all being told things like "the company is going to need you to really justify your position" while we're working from home at our day jobs. 

That said, James has had to increase his work load (he's a Nurse Consultant with several large Health Care Systems). Jim has had to increase his hours as well, due to unexpected costs associated with a car breakdown. Even our poor Editor has come under increased strain at work, and has had to cut her freelancing hours waaaaaay back for now. 

What does all this mean? Will the book be delayed? The honest answer is that we just don't know. So much of the book is already finished, but almost all of it needs to be reviewed, edited, and laid out. A bunch of it will likely need substantial rewriting. We aren't interested in going a different direction with our editor, because we feel like Loopy will be more than worth the wait. She is very communicative with us, and we're all keeping on eye on things as they progress. 

We can't say for sure "expect delivery to be delayed," but we can say that "it's possible and even likely that we're going to miss the original fall time tables due to -gesticulates wildly at everything-."

We have some ideas on how to mitigate that delay if it happens, and put something in your hands. We'll have more about that soon. Ultimately, we ask that you just be patient with us and stay tuned. 

Backerkits Haven't Gone Out Yet

We just realized this morning that, for whatever reason, our Backerkits are still reading "in review." We were under the impression that those were supposed to go out over a week ago, so we aren't really sure what's going on.

James will contact Backerkit on Monday to see if he can get some guidance and get these things out to you guys. We want to get the materials into your hands ASAP, so that we can start with the next phase of our project. 

As always, guys, thanks a TON! 

Weekly Update, 4/15/2020
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 08:40:30 PM

Hey everyone! 

As of Monday, we've submitted our Backerkit surveys and pre-order store for approval. We should hear something back from them tonight or tomorrow. From there, we'll do a "smoke test." About 5% of the surveys from each tier will be sent out so that we can catch any errors before we send out the rest. By week's end, you should have your Backer surveys, and you should be able to add any items to your order that you may have wanted during the initial campaign. We're also looking at some additional items that we might be able to add to the pre-order store!

We're looking at starting a Twitch stream in the days to come, so that we can show off the game to folks who might be interested in seeing it in action. We'll let you know more about that as we figure out what exactly we hope to do with it. 

So far, we're still on schedule, though we're admittedly a bit behind on writing. Apart from the obvious strains of the pandemic and transitioning to work from home, we've had some various hardships in our daily lives that we're working through. It doesn't look like it'll have any effect on our launch date, but we'll keep you all in the loop! 

Wednesday, April 4th
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 09, 2020 at 10:03:34 AM


As promised, here is our Wednesday update! 

  • We've set up a Backerkit store. Once we launch, it will send out surveys to all of our Backers that will help us fulfill your orders. It'll also allow you to choose add-ons. It doubles as a preorder store, so if you didn't get a chance to back us, YOU STILL CAN!
  • We've added Midnight in Appalachia and Midnight in the Rust Belt as Backerkit goals. We'll need to sell at least 120 preorders of each book to unlock it, but there's still a chance! If we don't reach the goal before September, we'll Kickstart each of those books separately in the future. 
  • The Backerkit site will launch, and the surveys will go out, as soon as Kickstarter has processed all of our fees. Per Backerkit's suggestion, we don't want to launch before we know for sure how much of our pledged backing comes through. 
  • We're still working on the edits for the Quickstart Guide. Once they're complete, we'll launch the guide on Drivethru for free. The edits are minor stylistic changes. 
  • We're returning to our weekly Lore Spotlights tomorrow! 

Okay everyone! That's all for tonight! We'll talk to you all again on Sunday!

What's next?
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 05:13:55 PM

Hello everyone! 

We took a bit of much needed time off from the project this week, but we're already back on that hustle. We wanted to take a moment to let you know what's going on, as well as give you an idea of what happens next. 

Right now, we're preparing to run several sessions of The Midnight World at  VirtualHorror Con this Saturday and Sunday. We're also running a panel on the therapeutic potential of horror RPGs. We'd love you have you check that out! Finally, we're doing some edits and improvements to the Quick Start Guide, which should be uploaded to DriveThru RPG next week. 

Also, next week, we're going to start getting our lists together to make sure that we communicate with each tier of Backer to get their rewards underway. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we've found ourselves with some extra time on our hands, so we're also considering running some playtests on Twitch in the weeks to come. If you backed at the playtest tier, expect an email early next week about out availability. 

Finally, we're continuing work on the book itself. Even with everything going on, we're tentatively still on track to release the book on time. We intend to drop updates here and on the webpage (which is currently being redesigned) twice a week, once on Wednesday and once on Sunday. 

As always, if you need anything from us, you can contact us here or you can send an email to [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you this weekend! 

With a sigh of relief, we have reached the end!
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 06:22:08 PM

And with that, it's over! 

Thank you so much for everything you've all done. We are thoroughly amazed at the support this project has received. 

We're also completely exhausted. We're going to take a break for a few days to recover from this madness, but we'll touch base with you all during the upcoming week to keep you up to date on what happens next. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. You have helped us make our bizarre little dream come true. 

Welcome to the fold